熱衷的英文 熱衷用英語怎麼說?
crave v.渴望;熱望;請求;懇求
be fond of 喜歡;喜好
常用 權威
1. 熱衷於集郵
be keen on stamp collecting
2. 熱衷名利
hanker after fame and gain
3. 熱衷出風頭
hanker for the limelight
4. 熱衷足球
be crazy about football
5. 熱衷於運動
be absorbed in sport
6. 熱衷利祿
aspire after wealth and emolument
7. 熱衷繪畫
be interested in drawing
8. 熱衷流行音樂
be hot on pop music
1. 中國和法國都熱衷於烹飪和飲食。
China and France are both keen on (熱衷於) cooking and eating.
2. 年輕人熱衷於建立有意義的關係。
Young people are keen on building meaningful relationships.
3. 熱衷的讀者更喜歡在紙上閱讀。
Avid (熱衷的)readers prefer reading on paper.
4. 熱衷於加劇皇帝困難的英國人。
The British, ever keen to exacerbate the emperor's difficulties.
5. 但畫畫絕對是他最熱衷的事情。
But drawing is definitely what he is most passionate about.
6. 它熱衷於傳遞聳人聽聞的訊息。
It is keen on transmitting sensational information.
7. 他們熱衷於改變惡劣的環境。
They are keen on changing shabby surroundings.
8. 律師們熱衷於參加會議。
Lawyers were keen to attend conventions.
9. 亞裔美國學生一直熱衷於參加一個州專案。
Asian-American students have been eager participants in a state program.
10. 俄羅斯人熱衷於游泳。
Russians are keen on swimming.
熱衷,讀音rè zhōng,漢語詞語,指醉心,沉迷;亦指猶熱心。例句有“這與作者當初曾熱衷於的事情如出一轍”。 相關古文有“本來是個飽學秀才,為人十分熱衷,只因時運不濟,落魄在上海。”出自《發財秘訣》第十回。近義詞為熱忱、痴迷、熱心。反義詞為淡泊。
動詞 hanker after/for; crave; have a craving for
1. 熱衷名利
hanker after fame and gain
動詞 be fond of; be hot/keen on; have a burning passion for; be interested in doing sth; be into sth; be enthusiastic/keen about sth; be hot on sth
1. 一些人熱衷寫灰色的東西。
Some people make a point of writing about pessimistic themes.
2. 熱衷志願工作
be interested in doing volunteer work
3. 熱衷冒險
be game for adventure; enjoy risk-taking
4. 熱衷流行音樂
be hot on pop music
5. 熱衷利祿
aspire after wealth and emolument
6. 熱衷繪畫
be interested in drawing
7. 熱衷沽名釣譽
be zealous for fame and angle for praise
8. 熱衷出風頭
hanker for the limelight
9. 熱衷古典文學
be full of enthusiasm about classics
10. 熱衷足球
be crazy about football
11. 熱衷釣魚
be very fond of angling; be keen on angling