四肢的英文 四肢用英語怎麼說?
four limbs; arms and legs
常用 權威
1. 四肢發抖
tremble in every limb;tremble in every limb
2. 伸展四肢
stretch one's limbs
3. 舒散四肢
stretch one's limbs
4. 四肢發達
be strong-limbed
5. 四肢痠軟
have aching and limp limbs
6. 四肢百骸
all the limbs and bones
1. 他抽動著的四肢突然停住不動了。
His jerking limbs became still suddenly.
2. 他伸展四肢躺在草地上睡著了。
He fell asleep stretched out on the lawn.
3. 他的四肢因疾病和飢餓而萎縮。
His limbs (were) withered by/from disease and starvation.
4. 他個兒很高,四肢修長。
He was very tall with long limbs.
5. (四肢
A loose-limbed walk.
6. 四肢突然變得僵直的癲癇發作。
Seizures with sudden rigid extension of the limbs.
7. 她伸展四肢,舒適地躺著。
She fell into a sort of luxurious sprawl.
8. 她伸展開四肢躺在床上。
She lay sprawled on the bed.
9. 我頭昏眼花、四肢無力,只好躺了兩個小時。
I had to lie down for two hours because I was groggy
10. 他四肢張開躺在路上。
He lay spreadeagled in the road.
四肢,讀音為sì zhī,漢語詞語,釋義是人體兩上肢和兩下肢的合稱。例句有“老人們又甩手又頓足,鍛鍊四肢的靈活性”。 《孟子·盡心下》中的“四肢之於安佚也,性也”,便是對該詞的相關記載。
名詞 four limbs; arms and legs
1. 他個兒很高,四肢修長。
He was very tall with long limbs.
2. 粗壯/健全的四肢
stout/sound limbs
3. 四肢發抖
tremble in every limb
4. 四肢發達
be strong-limbed
5. 伸展四肢
stretch one's limbs