犯人的英文 犯人用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-06



prisoner n.囚犯;拘留犯;羈押犯;戰俘;俘虜;遭非法囚禁者;失去自由的人;陷入困境之人

convict v.宣判…有罪

culprit n.罪犯;犯人;導致過錯的人;問題(或缺點)的成因

criminal n.罪犯

inmate n.入住者;居住者;同住者

常用 權威



1. 女犯人

female inmate

2. 大赦犯人

grant amnesty to criminals

3. 提審犯人

arraign a prisoner

4. 盤問犯人

interrogate a criminal

5. 追捕犯人

track down a criminal

6. 保釋犯人出獄

bail a prisoner out

7. 解送犯人

send criminals under guard

8. 折磨犯人

torture a prisoner

9. 審判犯人

try a criminal

10. 看管犯人

guard prisoners

11. 看守犯人

guard prisoners

12. 監押犯人

take criminals into custody

13. 監管犯人

supervise and control prisoners

14. 普通犯人

common criminal

15. 赦免犯人

pardon a convict

16. 監禁犯人

put a criminal in prison

17. 把犯人繩之以法

bring a criminal to justice

18. 撒網捉犯人

net for criminals

19. 無期徒刑犯人

life-term prisoner; lifer

20. 把犯人押下去

take the convict away


1. 把犯人綁起來,不然他會逃跑的。

Bind the criminal down or he may escape.

2. 歷史上許多犯人在這兒身首異處。

Many criminals were beheaded here in history.

3. 犯人聽到宣判,顯得無動於衷。

The prisoner’s face registered no emotion when the judge pronounced the sentence.

4. 監獄戒備森嚴,犯人插翅難飛。

The prison is so heavily-guarded that prisoners are unable to escape even with wings.

5. 犯人看到牢門開著就逃走了。

Noticing the door was open, the prisoner ran away.

6. 他們有權裁決對犯人的懲罰。

They have the right to adjudicate the punishment of prisoners.

7. 犯人裝扮成清潔工逃跑了。

The prisoner escaped disguised as a cleaner/in the disguise of a cleaner.

8. 這些犯人因叛國罪已由行刑隊執行槍決。

The prisoners were executed for treason by firing squad.

9. 犯人男扮女裝逃跑了。

The criminal escaped by disguising himself as a woman.

10. 犯人被提訊。

The prisoner was brought to court for trial.



名詞 prisoner; convict; culprit; criminal; inmate

1. 已定罪的犯人

convicted criminal

2. 普通犯人

common criminal

3. 女犯人

female inmate

4. 保釋犯人出獄

bail a prisoner out

5. 把犯人繩之以法

bring a criminal to justice

6. 追捕犯人

track down a criminal

7. 折磨犯人

torture a prisoner

8. 窩藏犯人

shelter/harbour a criminal

9. 提審犯人

arraign a prisoner

10. 釋放犯人

release/discharge a criminal; set a prisoner free

11. 審判犯人

try a criminal

12. 赦免犯人

pardon a convict

13. 判處犯人死刑

pronounce/pass a death sentence on a prisoner

14. 拘留犯人

detain a criminal

15. 監禁犯人

put a criminal in prison

16. 逮捕犯人

arrest/apprehend a criminal

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