受影響的英文 受影響用英語怎麼說?
be subject to influences
常用 重點詞彙
1. 富人擁有機器人,所以他們不會受影響。
The rich own the robots, so they will be fine.
2. 要是每四個孩子就有一個受影響,那我真是該死!
I'll be doggoned if every fourth kid is affected.
3. 我們的大腦讓我們更容易受影響。
Our brains make it easy for us to be influenced.
4. 受影響最嚴重的是非洲裔青少年。
The most severely affected are African-American teens.
5. 莫斯科東部和東北部受影響最重。
Areas to the east and south-east of Moscow are reported to be worst affected.
6. 本港約有1400艘漁船受影響.
About 1400 Hong Kong fishing vessels were affected.
7. 受影響最大的將是新股發行市場。
The biggest effect would be felt in the new-issue market.
8. 女神像外邊的一切都不會受影響。
Everything on Liberty Island outside of the statue is unaffected.
9. 強者影響他人,而弱者則受影響。
Strong personalities react on others, while weaker personalities are reacted on.
10. 訂單沒有受影響,經銷商表示理解。
Order is not affected, dealers said understanding.
be subject to influences