一部手機的英文 一部手機用英語怎麼說?
a mobile
常用 重點詞彙
1. 為每個家庭成員提供一部手機。
Providing a mobile phone for every family member.
2. 一個鐘、一塊手錶或一部手機可以幫助我們。
A clock, a watch or a cell phone can help us.
3. Suzy 需要一臺電腦或一部手機來接收她老師的資訊。
Suzy needs a computer or a mobile phone to receive messages from her teachers.
4. 我很開心,因為我買了一部新手機。
I'm very happy because I bought a new mobile phone.
5. 我想要一部新手機,因為另一部壞了。
I'd like a new mobile phone because the other one has broken.
6. 鮑伯為了做生意而買了一部手機。
Bob bought a mobile phone for his business.
7. 為什麼每個人都需要一部手機呢?
Why would anyone need a mobile phone?
8. 他看看餐館四周,幾乎人守一部手機。
He looked around the restaurant and saw almost everyone on a cell phone.
9. 你知道嗎?她有一部手機。
You know. She owns a cell phone.
10. 這意味著你補足卡一樣,你將一部手機。
That means that you top-up the card, like you would a mobile phone.
motion picture; a volume; subdivision
mobile phone; cellular phone; mobile; handset