做標記的英文 做標記用英語怎麼說?
mark n.痕;疤痕;斑;標記;記號;嘜頭;得分;分數;型;目標;馬克;波黑馬克
常用 重點詞彙
1. 小路每隔一定的距離就有石頭做標記。
The path is marked with rocks at intervals.
2. 用彩筆從第八行開始做標記.
Mark the content from Line 8 ( Line eight ) with color pencil.
3. 你參觀過的地方用明亮的紫色做標記。
The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.
4. 他用粉筆在地板上做標記。
E. g He marked the floor with chalk.
5. 邊讀邊做標記。接下來,帶著問題讀文章。
Make notes around the article as you do this.Then read with specific purpose.
6. 然後再另一端量出再量出尺碼接著做標記。
Then I put the yard stick on the other end of the bow and make another mark.
7. 四次大型的夜半集會做標記於光明和黑暗裡面。
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.
8. 為什麼在閱讀過程中在書上做標記是必不可少的呢?
Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading?
9. 其後他們僱傭工匠為貨幣做標記,標明它們的重量與價值。
But no less importantly, they then employed craftsmen to stamp on them symbols indicating their weight, and thus their value.
10. 因此你不必核對動物或在被稱作“聚焦”的導遊書上做標記。
So you don't merely check off animals or the sights marked in guidebooks as \highlights.\