騎摩托車的英文 騎摩托車用英語怎麼說?
by motorcycle
常用 重點詞彙
1. 騎摩托車兜風真帶勁!
It’s great fun to take a spin on a motorcycle.
2. 我騎摩托車去上大學。
I go to college on my scooter.
3. 我想象不出奶奶騎摩托車的樣子。
I can't imagine Grandma riding a motor-bike .
4. 你試過膀胱脹大還騎摩托車嗎?。
You ever tried riding a motorcycle with a distended bladder?
5. 騎摩托車的人可以大大節省時間.
Those who ride mo torcycles can save much of their time.
6. 男孩騎摩托車帶著女孩超速行駛.
A gril and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night.
7. 騎摩托車和騎腳踏車是一樣的.
Riding a motorcycle is the same with riding a Bike.
8. 現在,越來越多的人騎摩托車。
Nowadays, more and more people are driving motorcycles .
9. 法律規定騎摩托車者要戴頭盔。
The legislation requires motorcyclists to wear helmets.
10. 要在一堵垂直的牆上橫著騎摩托車。
They're riding motorcycles sideways on a vertical wall.
by motorcycle