為難的英文 為難用英語怎麼說?
feel embarrassed; feel awkward; be under the harrow; make things difficult/awkward for (sb)
常用 權威
1. 左右為難
be in a dilemma;be in a dilemma; be in an awkward predicament; be torn between; feel caught in the middle
2. 實在為難
be in a genuine dilemma
3. 為難的事
awkward matter
1. 讓我告訴他這件事,使我十分為難。
It was my painful duty to tell him about it.
2. 你不知道這讓我有多為難。
You don’t see how awkward this is for me.
3. 這樣的請求使她為難。
She was embarrassed by such a request.
4. 她的前夫處處為難她。
Her ex-husband made things as awkward for her as he could.
5. 要他上場踢90分鐘真有點為難他。
It is a big ask for him to go and play 90 minutes.
6. 這個問題讓廣告部的人很為難。
The problem has buffaloed the advertising staff.
7. 我故意為難部長,要求他否認這些指控。
I challenge the Minister to deny these accusations.
8. 她處於為難的境地。
She was in an impossible situation.
9. 我左右為難。
I'm in a jam.
10. 讓我感到為難的,是掙扎的自由。
Cuz it troubles me all the time that freedom is too difficult to get.
為難,漢語詞語,讀音為wéi nán時指作對,刁難;難以應付,難辦。讀音為wéi nàn時指發難,起事。例句為“做事情要互相諒解,不要故意為難對方”。 近義詞為尷尬、刁難、作對;反義詞為願意、樂意。相關作品有張靚穎的同名歌曲《為難》。
《為難》 作詞:鄒難 作曲:鄒難 演唱:鄒難 發行:星夢娛樂
動詞 feel embarrassed; feel awkward; be under the harrow
1. 你不知道這讓我有多為難。
You don't see how awkward this is for me.
2. 這樣的請求使她為難。
She was embarrassed by such a request.
3. 讓我告訴他這件事,使我十分為難。
It was my painful duty to tell him about it.
4. 為難的事
awkward matter
5. 左右為難
be in a dilemma
6. 使人為難
embarrass sb; put sb in an awkward situation
動詞 make things difficult/awkward for (sb)
1. 她的前夫處處為難她。
Her ex-husband made things as awkward for her as he could.
2. 故意為難我
deliberately make things difficult for me