編制的英文 編制用英語怎麼說?
weave v.織;編;編結;迂迴穿行;織布;把編成;紡織;把某物編織到…去;編織;編造
braid n.鑲邊;穗帶;辮子;髮辮
plait n.髮辮;草辮;辮狀物
compile v.彙編;編輯;編纂;編譯;收集;蒐集;累積
draw up 停住
work out 解出, 算出;產生結果, 發展, 成功;鍛鍊;訓練
develop v.成長;發育;發展;產生;感受;具有;使…顯影;開發土地;利用土地資源
常用 權威
1. 精簡編制
reduce the staff; downsize
2. 複式編制
double establishment
3. 編制藤席
weave rattan sleeping mats
4. 編制統計表
compile a statistical table
5. 緊縮編制
reduce staff
6. 編制程式
prepare a computer progam; program
7. 編制臃腫
be overstaffed
8. 編制預算
budget (for)
9. 程式編制
(computer) programming; program composition/development
10. 人員編制
manning quota; staff size; staff composition
11. 藤椅編制工
12. 預先編制程式
13. 著手編制計劃
start drawing up plans
14. 為計算機編制程式
program a computer
15. 符合編制規定的人數
be at full strength
1. 該廠按編制還有二十名缺額。
This factory is still 20 people short of its quota of workers. / The factory is understaffed by 20 workers.
2. 他不發話新僱員就不能進入編制。
No new employees come into the organization without his say-so.
3. 為計算機編制識別這些符號的程式並不複雜。
It is a simple matter to program the computer to recognize such symbols.
4. 預算編制要穩妥可靠、留有餘地。
Budgeting should be safe and allow leeway.
5. 參與選單的計劃編制及成本計算。
Participate in the planning and costing of menus.
6. 為通用程式的編制打下理論基礎.
A theoretical base was thus given on working out the general program.
7. 一是,明確規劃體系和編制主體。
First, plan system and main formulator should be identified.
8. 稽核出納編制的憑證及付款控制;
Audit the cashier's vouchers and payment control.
9. 這個手冊應該與編制目錄相一致。
The manual shall be submitted in accordance with Schedules.
10. 負責各種稅收報表的編制和申報.
Be responsible for compiling and submitting various tax reports.
動詞 weave; braid; plait
1. 編制藤席
weave rattan sleeping mats
動詞 compile; draw up; work out; develop
1. 編制預算
draw up/fix/prepare a budget; budget
2. 編制統計表
compile a statistical table
3. 編制教學大綱
draw up/develop a curriculum; work out a teaching programme
4. 編制程式
prepare a computer progam; program
名詞 authorized staff/force/strength; size and composition of an establishment
1. 符合編制規定的人數
be at full strength
2. 戰時/平時編制
war/peace organization/establishments
3. 擴大/縮小編制
enlarge/reduce the staff