影音的英文 影音用英語怎麼說?
audio-video adj.視聽傳播的
1. 影音檔案
audio video interleaved (AVI)
1. 我有許多的音樂及數位影音光碟.
I have many CDs and DVDs.
2. 網路裝置與影音串流伺服器開發.
Networking device developing and stream server application.
3. 售賣樂譜、影音製品、定音器;
Selling DVDs, CDs, sheet music, pitch pipes, etc. ;
4. 立體聲影音也能變成環繞聲效?
Surround sound from your stereo music and movies?
5. 福瑞迪看到他的同事秀芳在看線上影音。
Freddy sees his coworker Xiu-ping watching an online video.
6. 這就是暴風影音的前身。
The predecessor that this is windstorm image sound.
7. 這是每個影音收集者碟庫中應有的懷舊經典.
This is a nostalgic classic that should be a part of every video collector s library.
8. 通話及影音的收訊品質好壞對你來說很重要?。
Good quality of service on voice and video call is important to you?
9. 在計算機端轉換成適合您的移動裝置的影音檔案。
Convert any video file on your PC into a phone-friendly video file.
10. 本圖書館之書籍及電子影音媒體僅供本會會員使用.
This library of books and electronic audio - visual media is only for our members to use.