逃的英文 逃用英語怎麼說?
run away 突然離開, 逃離, 逃避, 避免正視
flee v.逃走;逃掉;逃離
escape v.逃跑;逃脫;沒被…注意;被…遺忘;逃避;躲避;逸出;倖免;僥倖躲過;漏出
take to one's heels 逃跑
dodge v.躲開;區域性遮光;閃開;迅速讓開;巧妙地躲避;用欺騙的方式躲避;按變換序列鳴鐘
evade v.逃脫;躲開;規避;躲避;與…無緣;避免直接回答;避免處理;設法逃避;逃;鑽(法律或法規)的空子;想不出;使困惑
avoid v.迴避;避免做;撤銷;廢止;使無效;防止;避開
shirk v.逃避;逃避做;不願做
常用 權威
1. 逃兩節課
cut two classes
2. 逋逃藪
refuge for fugitives
1. 週二,紐約市警方在展望公園捕獲了一頭在逃的奶牛。
New York City police captured a cow on the loose in Prospect Park on Tuesday.
2. 我走近時,那隻鹿飛奔而逃了。
The deer darted away when I approached.
3. 儘管從火災中逃了出來,可他仍感到後怕。
Though he managed to escape from the fire, a panic fear still possesses him.
4. 他從大火中逃了條活命。
He escaped from the fire by the skin of his teeth.
5. 武裝警察將在逃五日的犯人重新捕獲。
Armed police have recaptured a prisoner who's been on the run for five days.
6. 我想逃英語課,去看我媽媽。
I wanted to skip my English lesson to visit my mother.
7. 找不到他的蹤跡——他逃了。
There was no sign of him — he'd done a bunk.
8. 這一對男女棄車而逃。
The couple dumped the car and fled.
9. 這讓他倆都哈哈大笑,然後狂笑著逃上樓去了。
This started them both giggling and they fled upstairs in hysterics.
10. 他們逃下樓梯。
They bolted down the stairs.
逃(táo),漢語漢字,9畫,左下包圍結構。字義是包括兩個釋義,一是為躲避不利於自己的環境或事物而離開。 二是躲開不願意或不敢接觸的事物。組詞有逃跑、逃避。 相關例句“無所逃於天地間”。出自清代的黃宗羲《原君》
動詞 run away; flee; escape; take to one's heels
1. 我們從地道逃了出去。
We made our escape through the tunnel.
2. 那個夏天酷熱難耐,我們都逃到海邊避暑。
That was an extremely hot summer. We all fled to the seashore to escape the heat.
3. 逃進叢林
take to the jungle
4. 逃出監獄
escape from prison
5. 逃出虎口
flee from the jaws of death
動詞 dodge; evade; avoid; shirk; escape
1. 他企圖逃過海關的檢查。
He attempted to evade the customs inspection.
2. 什麼事都逃不過他的眼睛。
Nothing escaped his eyes.
3. 法網難逃。
It's hard to escape the dragnet of the law.
4. 兒子身上的變化沒有逃過她的注意。
The change in her son did not escape her.