銷燬的英文 銷燬用英語怎麼說?
destroy (usu by melting or burning)
常用 權威
1. 銷燬核武器
destroy nuclear weapons
2. 銷燬信用卡
destroy a credit card
3. 銷燬屍體
cremate a dead body
4. 銷燬記錄
destroy the records
5. 銷燬罪證
destroy incriminating evidence
6. 銷燬檔案
destroy files;destroy files
7. 銷燬證據
destroy evidence
1. 多次銷售後仍未售出的物品被銷燬。
Items which have still not sold after several sales are destroyed.
2. 銷燬未售出的庫存的做法對於奢侈品牌來說是司空見慣的。
The practice of destroying unsold stock is commonplace for luxury labels.
3. 磁帶會在20分鐘後自動銷燬。
The tape would automatically self-destruct after twenty minutes.
4. 昨天海關用燃燒彈銷燬了一批毒品.
Yesterday, customs destroyed a collection of drugs with incendiary bombs.
5. 要他們銷燬解碼機以及機密檔案
Instructing them to break apartall decoder machines.
6. 報名表將於來屆音樂節開始前銷燬.
Entry form will be destroyed before the commencement of next Music Festival.
7. 定期對作原始記錄進行歸檔和銷燬.
Regularly archive and dispose the record.
8. 廢棄的和過期的標籤應當銷燬。
Obsolete and out-dated labels should be destroyed.
9. 這種銷燬邏輯很難實現和記憶。
This tear-down logic is a pain to implement and remember.
10. 新南威爾士州是沒有孩子銷燬違法。
In New South Wales , there is no child destruction offence.
銷燬(英文:destroy),讀音xiāo huǐ,漢語詞語,指的是熔化毀掉;還指燒燬。例句有“假冒偽劣產品一旦查獲,一律銷燬”。 相關古文有“又禁斷惡錢,發使分道檢括銷燬之。”,出自《舊唐書·宋璟傳》,相關近義詞有抹殺、殲滅、燒燬,反義詞有保留、儲存。
動詞 destroy (usu by melting or burning)
1. 銷燬罪證
destroy incriminating evidence
2. 銷燬信用卡
destroy a credit card
3. 銷燬屍體
cremate a dead body
4. 銷燬核武器
have the nuclear weapons destroyed; destruction of nuclear weapons
5. 銷燬檔案
destroy files