急需的英文 急需用英語怎麼說?
need badly; urgently need; be in urgent/pressing/immediate need
常用 權威
1. 滿足急需
satisfy the pressing need
2. 以備急需
be prepared for urgent need
3. 急需現款
need cash badly
4. 以應急需
meet a crying need
5. 急需石油
thirst for oil
6. 緩解急需
relieve an urgent need
7. 急需土地
hunger for land
8. 急需現金
need cash badly
1. 這個盒子裡是一些病人急需的幹細胞。
In this box are some stem cells that are urgently needed for a patient.
2. 它沒有提供急需的解決方案,反而延長了戰鬥。
Instead of providing a badly needed resolution, it only prolonged the fight.
3. 他們擔心這會損害他們的經濟,剝奪他們急需
They fear that it hurts their economies, depriving them of much-needed skilled workers.
4. 這個專案急需追加現金投資。
The project badly needs a transfusion of cash.
5. 急需時,我們可以用這筆錢來緩衝一下。
We could use this money as a buffer in time of need.
6. 這次事故表明我們急需制定嚴格的安全條例。
The accident shows the urgent need for strict safety regulations.
7. 他們急需一個幫手。
They badly want a helper.
8. 我們急需的是原料。
Raw material is what we are badly in need of.
9. 政府推遲了那個急需的專案。
The government has stalled the much-needed project.
10. 弗蘭克並不急需錢。
Frank wasn't hurting for money.
動詞 need badly; urgently need; be in urgent/pressing/immediate need
1. 這次事故表明我們急需制定嚴格的安全條例。
The accident shows the urgent need for strict safety regulations.
2. 我們急需的是原料。
Raw material is what we are badly in need of.
3. 他們急需一個幫手。
They badly want a helper.
4. 提供急需的資金
provide urgently-needed/badly-needed fund
5. 以應急需
meet a crying need
6. 以備急需
be prepared for urgent need
7. 滿足急需
satisfy the pressing need
8. 緩解急需
relieve an urgent need
9. 急需住房
be in burning need of housing
10. 急需先進技術
have an urgent need for advanced technology
11. 急需外資
be in instant/dire/urgent need of foreign capital
12. 急需土地
hunger for land
13. 急需石油
thirst for oil
14. 急需幫助/救濟
be in need of immediate help/relief