粉刷的英文 粉刷用英語怎麼說?
whitewash n.白石灰水;白色塗料;使對方得零分的全勝;粉飾;掩蓋
plaster n.灰泥;灰漿;墁灰;橡皮膏;熟石膏;石膏粉;燒石膏;膏藥
常用 權威
1. 粉刷牆壁
whitewash a wall
2. 粉刷房屋
whitewash a house
3. 粉刷牆壁和天花板
whitewash walls and ceilings
1. 粉刷房子比她想象的要麻煩得多。
Painting a house involves more trouble than she thought.
2. 當需要重新粉刷時,請刷藍色。
When it's time to repaint, go blue.
3. 然後他開始在烈日下粉刷柵欄。
Then he began to paint the fence in the hot sun.
4. 搬進新粉刷過的房子。
Move into a newly-painted house.
5. 嗯,不把傢俱都清理乾淨,就不能粉刷牆壁。
Well, we can't paint the walls without clearing all the furniture first.
6. 他必須粉刷柵欄,因為他因昨天犯的錯誤而受到懲罰。
He has to paint the fence because he was punished for the mistakes he made yesterday.
7. 第二種(塗料)保證在未來10年內粉刷效果都很好。
The second is guaranteed to look great for about 10 years.
8. 粉刷之後,它的外觀迥然不同。
After being painted, its appearance was quite different.
9. 牆上灰溜溜的,該粉刷粉刷了。
The wall is dingy and it needs whitewashing.
10. 房子的外部需要粉刷。
The outside of the house needs painting.
粉刷(英文:whitewash),讀音fěn shuā,漢語詞語,指的是用石灰等白粉或其他有色粉末塗刷牆壁等。例句有爸爸帶領我們重新粉刷了一遍牆壁。
動詞 whitewash
1. 粉刷牆壁和天花板
whitewash walls and ceilings
動詞 plaster
1. 這房還沒粉刷呢。
The house is yet to be plastered.
2. 就剩下粉刷了。
There is only the plastering left to be done.
名詞 plaster
名詞 blackboard/chalkboard eraser