捐錢的英文 捐錢用英語怎麼說?
come down 下降, 落下;倒塌, 崩潰, 被毀;流傳下來;決定支援;大學畢業;漸由興奮的感覺中平靜清醒;漲潮;墜毀
1. 如果你想捐錢支援WWWF,你可以點選\捐贈\圖示。
If you want to give money to support WWWF, you can click on the icon \Donate\.
2. 輪到他捐錢時,他老是哭窮。
He always poor-mouths when it’s his turn to contribute.
3. 他太嗇了,不願捐錢行善。
He is too stingy to give money to charity.
4. 她開始強迫他們捐錢。
She started putting the arm on them for donations.
5. 我們捐錢給慈善機構是因為這能減輕我們的負罪感。
We give to charity because it appeases our guilt.
6. 挪威還源源不斷地向聯合國捐錢。
And it shovels money into the United Nations.
7. 為慈善機構捐錢而舉辦的才藝展示
Organize a talent show to raise money for charity
8. 這個有錢人捐錢給他上過的大學.
The rich man endowed the college he had attended.
9. 學生們正在溜旱冰為慈善機構捐錢。
Students are skating to raise money for charity.
10. 為孤兒捐錢的名單上有拉爾夫的名字.
Ralph is on my hit list for contributing money for the orphans.