沉悶的英文 沉悶用英語怎麼說?
oppressive adj.壓迫的;暴虐的;嚴苛的;壓抑的;鬱悶的;心情沉重的;悶熱的
depressing adj.令人沮喪的;情緒低落的;抑鬱的;造成蕭條的
dull adj.乏味的;單調的;呆板的;不鮮明的;晦暗的;無光澤的;愚鈍的;愚蠢的;笨的;昏暗的
cheerless adj.陰鬱的;沉悶的
withdrawn adj.沉默寡言的
reserved adj.矜持的;拘謹的;已被預訂的
reticent adj.沉默寡言的;緘默的;保持沉默的
undemonstrative adj.感情不外露的;矜持寡言的
常用 權威
1. 沉悶的一天
a dreary day
2. 沉悶的雷聲
sullen thunder
3. 生活沉悶
dull life
4. 沉悶的談話
deadly conversation
5. 陷入沉悶之中
lapse into dreary depression
1. 在斷定\104室\太過沉悶後,這是學生們投票決定的名字。
That was the name students voted for after deciding that \Room 104\ was too dull.
2. 他這人很沉悶。
He’s rather withdrawn.
3. 一個漫長、沉悶、無聊的週五下午。
A long, draggy, boring Friday afternoon.
4. 開始的黑暗使場景顯得沉悶。
The darkness of the beginning overclouds the set.
5. 他聽到蹄子落下的沉悶響聲。
He heard the hollow thudding of hooves.
6. 誹謗案的審訊大部分都非常沉悶單調。
A libel trial is in large parts intensely soporific.
7. 在飛機上的那些沉悶的時刻。
Those blank moments aboard airplanes.
8. 她那陰鬱、語調沉悶的丈夫。
Her dour, monotonic husband.
9. 他們聽到了電話那邊沉悶的顫聲鈴聲。
They heard the muffled trill of the telephone.
10. 機械發著沉悶的響聲開動了。
The machinery clunked into life.
沉悶(英文:oppressive、depressing、dull),讀音:chén mèn,漢語詞語,釋義是情緒沉鬱,不爽朗、舒暢;天氣、氣氛等使人感到沉重而煩悶;聲音大而低沉。例句有“課堂上,老師給大家講了個笑話,一掃教室裡沉悶的氣氛”。 相關句子有“走路時候,她還是那麼沉悶”,出自楊沫《青春之歌》。近義詞有沉重、煩悶、鬱悶,反義詞有爽朗、活躍、舒暢。
形詞 (of weather, atmosphere, etc) dreary; oppressive; depressing; dull
1. 沉悶的一天
a dreary day
2. 沉悶的談話
deadly conversation
3. 沉悶的雷聲
sullen thunder
4. 天氣沉悶
dull/depressing weather
5. 生活沉悶
dull life
6. 氣氛沉悶
oppressive/stuffy atmosphere
7. 空氣沉悶
leaden/stuffy air
形詞 (of a person) depressed; low-spirited; cheerless
1. 心情沉悶
feel depressed/low-spirited
2. 陷入沉悶之中
lapse into dreary depression
形詞 (of character) not outgoing; withdrawn; reserved; reticent; undemonstrative
1. 他這人很沉悶。
He's rather withdrawn.
2. 性格沉悶
not have a frank and open personality