難以理解的英文 難以理解用英語怎麼說?
be difficult to understand
常用 重點詞彙
1. 最後,測試結果可能難以理解。
Lastly, test results can be difficult to understand.
2. 人們的思維方式仍然過於複雜,難以理解,更不用說複製了。
Just how people think is still far too complex to be understood, let alone reproduced.
3. 藝術小說變得越來越讓人難以
The art novel has grown increasingly involute.
4. 一本浮誇且難以理解的書。
A turgid and indigestible book.
5. 這是個難以理解的舊世界。
It's a funny old world.
6. 把法律體制神秘化,讓普通人感覺難以理解的律師。
Lawyers who mystify the legal system so that laymen find it unintelligible.
7. 這對很多人來說是難以
It's really inaccessible for a lot of people.
8. 定義讀者可能難以理解的所有術語。
Define all terms that a reader might find ambiguous.
9. 詩詞本來就該是難以理解的嗎?
Should poetry be difficult to understand?
10. 最終的結果變成了難以理解的混亂。
The end result turns into an incomprehensible mess.
be difficult to understand