刻意的英文 刻意用英語怎麼說?
painstakingly adv.煞費苦心地;費力地
meticulously adv.細緻地;一絲不苟地;拘泥地
sedulously adv.孜孜不倦地;勤勉地
常用 權威
1. 刻意求工
sedulously seek perfection; be scrupulous in one's workmanship
2. 刻意加工
make painstaking refinements
3. 刻意模仿
take great pains to imitate
4. 刻意經營
practise meticulous management
5. 刻意追求某種效果
work for an effect
1. 這還不足以發現刻意造假的情況。
That was not enough to detect a deliberate fraud.
2. 他刻意指出他不是那樣的。
He is at pains to point out that he isn't like that.
3. 我成為主持人是因為當時我未考慮其他選擇就接受了,並非我刻意要求得此職。
I became a presenter by default rather than by design.
4. 保持垂直姿勢,但不要過於刻意。
Keep your posture erect but not overly posed. Think “Greek Statue,” not “William Shatner.”
5. 很顯然,他對他的論文很有刻意。
Apparently he was quite confident about his essay .
6. 刻意並不好看,但它的結果很好看。
Being deliberate is not pretty. But it's result is.
7. 這是因人而宜的,沒有什麼刻意的。
Each person has his own thought, which is by no means deliberate.
8. 生活中,也不要刻意追求成功。
Follow excellence. And success will chase you.
9. 謹慎地/刻意地拿起或放下電話筒。
Pick up the phone and put it down intentionally.
10. 因為食品公司的刻意隱瞞以致對
Who are deliberately being kept in the dark
刻意,漢語詞語,出自《莊子·刻意》:“刻意尚行,離世異俗。”《後漢書·黨錮傳序》:“刻意則行不肆,牽物則其志流。”南朝·梁·劉勰《文心雕龍·通變》:“才穎之士,刻意學文。” 指剋制意志;潛心致志、用盡心思。
副詞 painstakingly; meticulously; sedulously
1. 刻意求精
do one's best to achieve perfection
2. 刻意模仿
take great pains to imitate
3. 刻意經營
practise meticulous management
4. 刻意加工
make painstaking refinements
5. 刻意打扮
be very meticulous about one's clothes or makeup