廣泛傳播的英文 廣泛傳播用英語怎麼說?
to the winds
常用 重點詞彙
1. 它仍然像嘻哈音樂一樣廣泛傳播。
It remains as widespread as hip hop music.
2. 對貿易的擔憂一直在廣泛傳播。
The fears about trade have been spreading far and wide.
3. 這可能解釋了流行株的廣泛傳播。
This may explain the widespread dissemination of epidemic strains.
4. 對於安全標準的質疑已經廣泛傳播。
Doubts about safety standards here are widespread.
5. 那樣的教師態度值得廣泛傳播!
That kind of teacher attitude deserves to be spread!
6. 聖誕節在全球廣泛傳播開來.
Christmas has spread far and wide across the globe.
7. 廣泛傳播和分享各國紅十字會的經驗和知識.
Experiences and knowledge of the National Societies is widely disseminated and shared.
8. 很快,書籍不再是稀罕物,得到了廣泛傳播。
In short order, books, which had been a rarity, were now becoming a widespread phenomenon.
9. 這些思想已廣泛傳播。
These ideas have gained wide currency .
10. 這一訊息被廣泛傳播.
The news was transmitted from mouth to mouth.
to the winds