立冬的英文 立冬用英語怎麼說?
start of winter 立冬
常用 權威
1. 在立冬前後吧,他又喝醉.
Round about the beginning of winter he got drunk again.
2. 立冬將至,全國大部地區居民都感受到絲絲寒意。
Beginning of winter approaching, residents of most areas of the country felt the slightest chill.
3. 立冬的清晨,浙江,紹興市紹興的天空開始下起小雨。
It's the morning of Lidong, the start of winter, Shaoxing, Zhejiang it has started to drizzle in Shaoxing.
4. 如今,立冬時節南方人愛吃些冬令進補的菜,比如薑母鴨、麻油雞等。
At present, Beginning of Winter is the best time for taking winter tonic like dishes of stewed duck with wine and ginger and Sesame Oil Chicken in the south of China.
5. 立冬是冬季的第一個節氣,進入這一時節,天地萬物活動都趨向休止,準備蟄伏過冬。
It is the first solar term in winter, in this season, myriad activities tend to repose to the dormant winter.
6. “立冬”表示秋糧已入庫,這個季節就是遼寧本溪當地滿族八旗和漢八旗人家燒香祭祖的節日。
Thee Start of Winter, when the autumn crops have been placed in storage, was the time of the festival for the people of the Manchu Eight Banners and Han Eight Banners in Benxi of Liaoning province.
立冬(英文名:Beginning of Winter)是農曆二十四節氣之一,也是中國傳統節日之一。立,為開始之意,立冬便表示冬季的開始。日期為每年公曆11月7-8日之間交節。 立冬在古代社會是民間“四時八節”之一,人們一般都要舉行祭祀活動。中國民間以立冬為冬季之始,立冬期間,有需進補以度嚴冬的食俗。在南方,人們愛吃些雞鴨魚肉,在北方,人們愛吃餃子。
立冬,是一首描寫農曆二十四節氣中的第19個節氣中的天氣、氣候、物候及農業生產活動情形的七言絕句詩,作者左河水。該詩採用寫實的手法,以短短四句的28字,描寫了中華大地在立冬時節裡,大地西北風往復南下帶來的降溫天氣, 使萬木葉黃葉落,一片凋零的景象;同時,在我國大江南北的廣大農村到處呈現出農產品的曬藏及水利工程建設的工作情景。作品在《中國詩賦》發表後,很快被央視網、中國天氣網等網站的文章引用。
動詞 (of winter) begin
1. 立了冬,天氣就開始變冷了。
When winter sets in, it will become colder and colder.
名詞 Beginning of Winter [beginning of the 19th of the 24 solar terms]
名詞 Beginning-of-Winter Day [falling on Nov 7 or 8]