刺耳的英文 刺耳用英語怎麼說?
ear-piercing adj.震耳欲聾的;刺耳的
jarring adj.輾軋的;刺耳的;不和諧的
常用 權威
1. 刺耳的聲音
ear-splitting sound
2. 刺耳的汽笛聲
shrill whistle
3. 沙啞刺耳的嗓音
sandpapery voice
1. 或許,稍微脫離上下文,皮亞傑的說法似乎有些刺耳。
Perhaps, taken slightly out of context, Piaget's statement seems harsh.
2. 粉筆在黑板上發出刺耳的摩擦聲。
The chalk grated on the blackboard.
3. 衛兵刺耳的口哨聲劃破長空。
The shrill tone of the guards’whistles rent the air.
4. 我很不喜歡他,甚至聽到他的名字都覺得刺耳。
I dislike him very much; even his name grates on my ears.
5. 他愛說刺耳的話。
He loves to make biting/cutting remarks.
6. 讓她覺得極其難受的刺耳磨擦聲。
A grating that set her teeth on edge.
7. 灰林鴞飛行時會發出刺耳的鳴聲。
The tawny owl has a harsh flight note.
8. 她的尖叫聲突然而且尖得刺耳。
Her scream was sudden and penetrating.
9. 她降低了聲音刺耳地小聲說話。
She dropped her voice to a scratchy whisper.
10. 汽車發動機在街頭的空轉噪聲刺耳。
The car is noisily idling in the street.
形詞 ear-piercing; jarring; grating on the ear; irritating/unpleasant/harsh to the ear
1. 我很不喜歡他,甚至聽到他的名字都覺得刺耳。
I dislike him very much; even his name grates on my ears.
2. 他愛說刺耳的話。
He loves to make biting/cutting remarks.
3. 刺耳的嗓音
strident/harsh/grating/sharp/raspy voice
4. 刺耳的汽笛聲
shrill/penetrating/screamy whistle
5. 刺耳的尖叫
piercing/sharp cry; ear-piercing shriek
6. 刺耳的話
bitter/harsh/raspy words; cutting/sarcastic/caustic remarks