海運的英文 海運用英語怎麼說?
ocean shipping 海洋航運;海洋船運;海運
常用 權威
1. 海運協議
marine agreement
2. 海運代理商
ocean shipping agent
3. 海運運費
ocean freight
4. 海運提單
ocean bill of lading
5. 海運保險單
marine insurance policy (MIP)
6. 海運單據
marine document
7. 國際海運貿易
international seaborne trade
1. 第三方的海運提單是不被接受的.
The third party ocean Bill of Lading is not acceptable.
2. 該術語僅適用於海運或內河運輸.
This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transportation.
3. 海運費報價包含裝貨和卸貨費用。
The ocean freight quoted shall include loading and discharging expenses.
4. 賣方應投保海運一切險及戰爭險.
The Seller shall effect marine insurance against All Risks and War Risks.
5. 海運保險單有沒有其他的條款呢?
Be there any other clause in marine policy?
6. 一半用空運,剩下的一半用海運。
We'd like to ship half the order by air and the rest by sea.
7. 另一種海盜行為體現為海運掠奪。
And the other piracy is the shipping piracy.
8. 他收拾好箱子,把它海運到上海。
He packed his trunk and sent it to Shanghai by sea.
9. 鐵路運輸費用太高,我們想海運。
Cost of railway transportation is higher, we prefer sea transportation.
10. 從這裡到加拿大海運需多長時間?
How long will the delivery take from here to Canada by sea freight?
名詞 sea transportation; ocean shipping; transport by sea
1. 海運運費
ocean freight
2. 海運協議
marine agreement
3. 海運提單
ocean bill of lading
4. 海運單據
marine document
5. 海運代理商
ocean shipping agent
6. 海運保險單
marine insurance policy (MIP)