往事的英文 往事用英語怎麼說?
bygones n.往事;(begone的複數)
the past 過去;過往
常用 權威
1. 憶想往事
recollect past events
2. 敘說往事
talk about the past
3. 回顧往事
look back on the past
4. 追悔往事
regret the past
5. 提起往事
bring up the past
6. 回念往事
think of past events
7. 往事如煙
past events have vanished like smoke
8. 愉快的往事
happy recollections
9. 閒嘮往事
chat about the old days
10. 忘卻了的往事
forgotten events in one's past
11. 悠久的往事
events of the distant past
12. 難以忘懷的往事
unforgettable past
13. 對往事的記憶
memories of the past
14. 喚起對往事的回憶
evoke memories of the past
15. 使人想起很多遙遠的往事
awaken many far-back memories
1. 今天,當我回首往事,我很高興,因為你永遠不知道生活會帶你去哪裡。
And today, when I look back, I'm so happy because you never know where life will take you.
2. 這幅畫喚起了我對往事的聯想。
The picture awakened associations of my past.
3. 人們常常回顧幸福的童年往事。
People often look back and reflect on their happy childhood memories.
4. 那件往事讓我久久不能釋懷。
I kept recalling that past event.
5. 往事時常重現在我的記憶中。
Old memories constantly recur to me.
6. 童年的往事浮現在他的眼前。
Childhood memories floated before his eyes.
7. 一提起他的名字,很多往事歷歷在目。
As his name comes up, many memories arise.
8. 往事漸漸從他的記憶中隱退。
Past events have gradually faded away from his mind.
9. 對往事的記憶已飄逸無蹤。
Memories of the past have dimmed and waned.
10. 追憶往事,歷歷在目。
Looking back, I find scenes of the past presented distinctly before my eyes.
名詞 bygones; past events; the past
1. 一提起他的名字,很多往事歷歷在目。
As his name comes up, many memories arise.
2. 往事如風。
The past has vanished (from memory) like wind. / What is past is past.
3. 往事還歷歷在目。
Everything in the past is still alive in our memory.
4. 往事不要再提。
Let bygones be bygones. / Do not bring up the past again.
5. 往事不堪回首。
It's sad to look back on those old days. / It's too sad to reflect on the past.
6. 那都是往事了。
That's all history now.
7. 追悔往事
regret the past
8. 辛酸的往事
bitter/sorrowful past
9. 提起往事
bring up the past
10. 敘說往事
talk about the past
11. 使人想起很多遙遠的往事
awaken many far-back memories
12. 緬懷往事
muse over memories of the past
13. 回憶往事
recall/recapture/recollect the past
14. 回顧往事
look back on the past
15. 沉湎於往事
get lost in memories of the past