一箱的英文 一箱用英語怎麼說?
a boxful
常用 重點詞彙
1. 嗨,把油箱加滿,我要滿滿一箱。
Grandpa: Hi. Fill 'er up. I need a full tank.
2. 然後我說,“想賭一箱啤酒嗎?”
And I said, \Wanna bet me a six-pack?
3. 要我再去拿一箱,以防萬一嗎?。
Shall I go and get another crate, just in case?
4. 大約每個星期我加滿一箱汽油。
I fill up the tank with gasoline about once a week.
5. 你可以花二十塊買一箱水蜜桃。
You can buy a box of peaches for $20.
6. 一箱箱的珠寶與一櫃櫃的黃金。
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
7. 那是買一箱書所能回答的問題。
That’s all the answers one crate of books will buy.
8. 一箱無花果和一箱蒜頭共25元
A box of figs and a box of garlic for $25
9. 百貨公司送來一箱
The department store has delivered a box for you.
10. 經理從桌子裡取出一箱糖果。
The manager took a box of candy out of his desk .
a boxful