被告的英文 被告用英語怎麼說?
defendant n.被告
常用 權威
1. 被告方
2. 被告人
defendant; the accused
3. 被告席
defendant's seat;defendant's seat; dock
4. 被告席位
defendant's seat
5. 被告律師
defence attorney
6. 恫嚇被告
threaten the accused
7. 盤問被告
cross-examine a defendant
8. 刑事被告
prisoner at the bar; criminal defendant; indictee
9. 第一被告
first-mentioned defendant
10. 共同被告
joint defendant; co-defendant
11. 為被告聲辯
plead for the accused
12. 被告的辯訴狀
statement of defence
1. 另一種是讓學生在法學院只讀了兩年就可以坐在被告席。
Another is to let students sit for the bar after only two years of law school.
2. 法官們可以而且應該為警察、律師和被告提供最新的指導方針。
The justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.
3. 原告與被告的律師均不能誘導證人。
Neither of the counsels for the prosecution and the defence could lead witnesses.
4. 法官做出了不利於被告的裁定。
The judge’s ruling was against the defendant.
5. 審訊以宣判被告無罪而告終。
The trial ended in acquittal for the defendant.
6. 被告中有數人被判定有罪。
Several of the accused were found guilty.
7. 被告方將向最高法院上訴。
The defence will appeal the case to the Supreme Court.
8. 法庭判被告有罪/無罪。
The court found the defendant guilty/innocent. / The court ruled against the defendant/in favour of the defendant.
9. 陪審團宣佈被告無罪。
The jury found the defendant not guilty. / The jury’s verdict cleared the accused man.
10. 證據表明被告有罪。
The evidence points to the guilt of the accused.
《被告》是2002年上映的法國、瑞士、西班牙合拍電影,由尼科爾·加西亞導演。丹尼爾·奧圖,傑拉爾丁娜·帕伊亞,弗朗索瓦·克魯塞主演。 《被告》講述1993年1月9日,讓·克勞德·萊蒙殺死了他的妻子、孩子和父母。然後他試圖自殺,但未成功。18年來他一直聲稱自己是名醫生,但調查表明他根本就不是醫生。他多年來所做的一切就是費盡心思編織、掩蓋謊言。當他的秘密就要被揭穿時,他絕望地試圖消滅所有那些他無法面對的人。
名詞 defendant; the accused
1. 證據表明被告有罪。
The evidence points to the guilt of the accused.
2. 陪審團判決被告無罪。
The jury found the accused not guilty.
3. 被告中有數人被判定有罪。
Several of the accused were found guilty.
4. 被告被宣告無罪。
The accused was acquitted of the charge. / The accused was declared innocent.
5. 被告被控謀殺罪。
The defendant is charged with/accused of murder.
6. 被告敗訴/勝訴。
The defendant lost/won the case.
7. 被告律師
defence attorney
8. 被告的辯訴狀
statement of defence
9. 以搶劫罪傳訊被告
arraign a defendant on a charge of robbery
10. 為被告辯護
plead for/defend the defendant
11. 盤問被告
cross-examine a defendant