筐的英文 筐用英語怎麼說?
basket n.籃;簍;筐;投籃得分;吊籃;一攬子
常用 權威
1. 廢紙筐
waste-paper basket
2. 腳踏車筐
bicycle basket
3. 檔案筐
file basket
4. 購物筐
shopping basket
5. 鐵絲筐
wire basket
6. 水果筐
fruit basket
1. 筐裡的新鮮柿子裝得冒尖了。
The basket is piled high with fresh persimmons.
2. 把筐裡的土搕一搕。
Knock the soil off the basket.
3. 你還沒有把晚禱的供筐準備好麼?
Have you not got ready the offering basket for the evening service?
4. 愛麗斯出去了, 背上揹著個筐.
Alice went out, having a basket on her back.
5. 廢物筐空空如也,而地上全是紙片.
The little - baskets were emply and the ground was covered with pieces of paper.
6. 你怎麼跳著跳著能跳到筐裡去?
Why did you jump all the way into the basket in the end?
7. 每畝梯田我們得填上成千上萬筐好土。
We had to fill up each mu of terraced fields with thousands of basketfuls of good soil.
8. 是拿牛奶筐當籃筐練習投籃?
Is it learn to shoot on a milk frame?
9. 我還有一大筐毛料、皮衣服和西服要洗呢。
I still have a whole basket of woolen clothes and fur coats and a suit to wash.
10. 簡尼特手裡握著錢夾子,手腕上套著編輯筐.
Janet held her purse in one hand with the knitting basked hooked over her wrist.
名詞 basket
1. 一筐土
a basketful of earth
2. 腳踏車筐
bicycle basket
3. 檔案筐
file basket
4. 鐵絲筐
wire basket
5. 水果筐
fruit basket
6. 購物筐
shopping basket
7. 廢紙筐
waste-paper basket
8. 拎/抬筐
carry a basket
9. 編筐
weave a basket