看完的英文 看完用英語怎麼說?
sit through 捱到(乏味或冗長的會議、表演)結束
see out 看的出來;看到;看出來了
常用 重點詞彙
1. 茱莉亞看完新聞節目後決定當醫生。
Julia decided to be a doctor after watching the news programme .
2. 我必須在十點以前看完年度財務報告。
I've got to finish reading the yearly financial report by 10.
3. 看完
Put the books back on the shelf after reading, or Dad will be unhappy.
4. 看完新聞節目後,朱莉婭下定決心要當一名醫生。
Julia made up her mind to be a doctor after watching the news programme.
5. 看完這段話,似乎很清楚茶和茶包是偶然發明的。
After reading the passage, it seems clear that tea and tea bags were invented by accident.
6. 看完之後,我發現問題突然變得不那麼嚴重了,感覺好多了。
After watching them, I find the problems suddenly seem less serious and feel much better.
7. 這本書你看完了我接著看。
I’ll read the book after you.
8. 她跳著行看完了這本書。
She skipped through the book.
9. 咱們看完節目再走。
Let’s stay on until the programme is over.
10. 看完演出後傑西卡的妹妹和我們作伴。
After the show we were joined by Jessica's sister.
sit through; see out