在那兒的英文 在那兒用英語怎麼說?
over there 那邊, 在那邊, 那兒
常用 重點詞彙
1. 她就在那兒,靠著郵局附近的一棵樹坐著。
There she was, sitting against a tree near the post office.
2. 別站在那兒愣神兒,該吃晚飯了。
Don’t just stand there staring! Supper is ready.
3. 在那兒的人昨晚沒一個人合過眼。
Nobody there got a wink of sleep last night.
4. 我們在那兒待了差不多兩個星期。
We stayed there for almost two weeks.
5. 他直挺挺地站在那兒,手被反綁著。
He stood erect there with his arms bound behind his back.
6. 他站在那兒,看上去懊恨不已。
There he stood, looking very remorseful.
7. 他愣頭愣腦地站在那兒,好像沒睡醒。
Bleary-eyed, he stood there staring blankly.
8. 我抬頭一看,他就站在那兒。
When I raised my head and looked, there he stood.
9. 風很大,連停在那兒的汽車都掀翻了。
The wind was so strong that it overturned some of the parked cars.
10. 他直撅撅地站在那兒,一句話也不說。
He stood there, stiff and speechless.
over there