小道的英文 小道用英語怎麼說?
path n.路;小路;小徑;路徑;路線;道;道路;途徑
canal n.運河;灌溉水渠;管;道;火星運河
byway n.旁道;小路;冷僻領域
trail n.足跡;痕跡;蹤跡;小路;小道;小徑;架尾;路徑;滑雪道
branch n.樹枝;分枝;枝;支流;支路;支線;分部;分行;分號;分支
1. 田間小道兒
footpath between fields
2. 小道兒訊息
back alley news; hearsay; side-street news; grapevine news
3. 小道訊息
grapevine news; back alley news
4. 林蔭小道兒
shady path
5. 河邊小道兒
river-side path
6. 田間小道
footpath in the fields
7. 散播小道訊息
disseminate grapevine information
8. 走羊腸小道
follow the twisting goat track
9. 在蜿蜒小道上跋涉
trudge along a crooked path
1. 如果沒有小道
If there are no trails, you are much easier to be seen on top of a hill.
2. 你意識到自己在一條小道上,但不是在一個完全陌生的地區。
You find yourself weal off a trail, but not in a completely unfamiliar area.
3. 大路漸漸變窄,成了羊腸小道。
The road pinched down to a trail.
4. 一條彎彎曲曲的羊腸小道通向山頂。
A bumpy by-way winds its way to the mountaintop.
5. 這條小道從山腳通到山頂。
This path leads from the foot of the mountain to the top.
6. 他們抄了條僻靜小道。
They took a shortcut down the back roads.
7. 只有幾條很少有人跡小道的地方。
A region with only a few unfrequented tracks.
8. 騎馬全程走過裡奇偉史前小道。
Ride the full length of the Ridgeway.
9. 一次沿著懸崖小道艱難的往上爬行。
A clamber up the cliff path.
10. 這條小道在橄欖樹叢中蜿蜒。
The path wound among olive trees.