曾祖母的英文 曾祖母用英語怎麼說?
(paternal) great-grandmother
1. 這副手鐲是我曾祖母傳下來的.
This pair of bracelets was handed down from my great grandmother.
2. 謝謝您,曾祖母。重孫在此為您默哀。
So, thank you. I'll mourn for you.
3. 我們也是同一個曾曾曾祖母。
We also share that grandparent's grandparents.
4. 再看看這些曾祖母們吧。
And look at those great-grandmothers.
5. 曾祖母的布丁。
Great Granny's Pudding.
6. 我的曾曾曾曾祖母是被人在鱷魚塘的奴隸市場買來的,
My great-great-great grandmother was bought at Alligator Pond.
7. 為了讓孩子們從波蘭移民到紐約,我的曾祖母7年沒見過他們。
My great-grandmother Rose didn't see her kids for seven years, as she tried to bring them from Poland to New York.
8. 她的母親還在世,她的祖母也在世。她的祖母要成為曾曾曾祖母。
Her own mum is alive, and so too is her grandmother, who will become a great-great-great grandmother.
9. 這張肖像畫不僅僅是一位君王的,還是一位母親、祖母和曾祖母的。
It is a portrait not only of a monarch, but of a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother too.
10. 很久很久以前,甚至在曾曾曾祖母和祖父出生以前,鱷魚生活在陸地上。
Long long ago, even before great-great-great grandma and grandpa were born, crocodiles lived on the land.
曾祖母,讀音zēng zǔ mǔ,漢語詞語,意為祖父的母親,例句有“唐德宗即位,訪求其母沈太后,歷順宗,及憲宗時為曾祖母,故稱為曾太皇太后,蓋別於(yú)祖母也”。 相關句子有“主人姓張,曾租住我家西邊餘屋,開棺材店多年,我的曾祖母是很嚴格的人,可是沒有一點忌諱,真很可佩服”,出自周作人《生活的況味·東昌坊故事》。相關近義詞有太奶奶、祖奶奶。