挖坑的英文 挖坑用英語怎麼說?
scoop out/dig a hole in ground
常用 權威
1. 挖坑機是一種有效的造林機械。
Digger are a kind of useful afforestation machines.
2. 一些人挖坑,另一些人在栽樹。
Some people are digging, others are planting trees.
3. 這個計算是基於表面挖坑八金剛石鑽孔.
This calculation was based on surface trenching and eight diamond drill holes.
4. 他們竟挖坑要害我的性命。
For they have digged a pit for my soul.
5. 接著男孩子挖坑,女孩子幫樹苗種到坑裡。
Then the boys dug pits and girls planted the young trees into the pits.
6. 這兩個男孩輪流來挖坑.
The two boys took turns at digging the hole.
7. 我們先挖坑,把一根長而結實的木棍插入每個坑內。
We first trenching , to a long and solid wooden sticks into each pit.
8. 建築公司要招一個人挖坑——初級(地面)位置空缺。
Construction company needs a man to dig holes --- Ground level position available.
9. 一件事,你要記住的是,你應該總是用鍬鍬挖坑,為掏。
One thing that you should remember is that you should always use shovels for digging and spades for scooping .
10. 有的學生挖坑,有的把樹放進坑,有的學生把土產回坑裡。
Some students dug the holes . Some students put the trees into the holes. Some students put the earth back to the holes.
挖坑是流行於陝西一帶的紙牌遊戲,屬於基礎類撲克遊戲。遊戲先透過叫分確定挖坑者,然後由挖坑者“挖”出“坑”中剩下的 4 張牌。其餘玩家則聯手對抗挖坑者,有玩家先出完手中的牌的一方獲勝。
寫新的長篇文稱作挖坑或開坑; 看未完結的文叫跌坑; 更新文章稱作填坑或撒土; 結束文章稱作平坑; 在文章為後文埋下伏筆的內容稱作埋坑; 如果有沒良心沒責任感的作者不再更新文章,就叫 棄坑。
動詞 scoop out/dig a hole in ground