走步的英文 走步用英語怎麼說?
(in basketball game) travel/walk with the ball; (of small baby) learn to walk
常用 權威
1. 走步違例
travelling; walking
1. 看,伊恩好像走步了,太棒了。
Look at Ian travel, though Good gracious.
2. 不,使大腦聰慧的最佳礪石或許要數走步。
Nope, the best brain sharpener may be … sneakers?Yup.
3. Yo你可能看見我漫步你可能看見我走步.
Yo , you might see me joggin, you might see me walkin.
4. 帶球跑,走步:持球時違反規則移動; 帶球走步.
Basketball To move illegally while holding the ball; travel.
5. 我沿著鐵絲網來回走步,想暖和一下我瘦弱的身體.
Back and forth next to the barbed wire fence trying to keep my emaciated body warm.
6. 這馬剛剛走步,因那白人伸手一攔,便又突然愣住了.
The horse started to trot and suddenly shied as the white man threw up his hand.
7. 你可以在第一步走小一點或稍稍加快走步或把球推遠推慢一點。
Try taking a shorter first step or speeding up your footwork a little or pushing your ball away a little later.
8. 步進電動機作為數控系統的執行元件, 其走步均勻性一向受到重視.
As the execute component of digital control system, stepping uniformity of stepping motor is always valued.
9. 此方法固有的自動走步功能,可保證得到收斂的解,從而大大節省計算時間。
An advantage of inherent auto-stepping of this method can insure convergence of the solution and save CPU time.
走步(英語:Traveling),或叫帶球走是屬於籃球比賽中違例的一種(不合規則的動作)。為了限制持球者的移動方式,籃球規則定義掌控球者必須以運球的方式移動,只要在運球狀態,怎麼移動都可以;非運球狀態(即持球狀態時)的移動則受到充分的限制。在持球狀態下(非運球狀態),只要移動超過指定範圍、方式,就是走步。 原則上大抵可以這麼說:球員在持球狀態下,可以一隻腳為“軸心腳”,另一隻則稱作“非軸心腳”,不可隨意變更,而球員被允許的移動方式就是隻能移動‘非軸心腳’,‘軸心腳’必須緊貼地面。
動詞 (in basketball game) travel/walk with the ball
動詞 (of small baby) learn to walk