經濟實惠的英文 經濟實惠用英語怎麼說?
economical but practical
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我的車在經濟實惠方面比得上你的車.
My car equals yours in economy.
2. 今冬新款皮裝,獨特創意,經濟實惠。
The new-pattern fur dresses of this winter show originality and are economical and practical.
3. 該系列產品價格經濟實惠, 健康環保.
This series of products at an affordable price, health and environmental protection.
4. 紅眼航班更經濟實惠點。
Taking a red-eye flight is much more economical.
5. 五是比賓館的設施和條件好;六是經濟實惠。
Fifth , better than the facility and condition of the hotel ;
6. 一定情況下,包料加工更經濟實惠、省時省力。
Under certain circumstances, including material processing more cost-effective, time-saving effort.
7. 投資成本也不高,綜合成本較低等優點,經濟實惠。
Investment cost is not high, comprehensive benefits such as lower cost.
8. 沒有別的汽車發動機能比得上它的堅牢耐用和經濟實惠.
No other automotive engine has been able to equal its toughness and economy.
9. 使出國旅行的朋友,購買到經濟實惠的巴蘭基亞特價機票。
To make friends to travel abroad, to buy affordable tickets special Barranquilla.
10. 這種打字機攜帶輕便,經久耐用,經濟實惠,適合高中生使用。
This type of typewriter is portable, durable, economical and practical for high school students.
economical but practical