做研究的英文 做研究用英語怎麼說?
study n.學習;攻讀;研究;調查;探討;書房;書齋;習作;試作;試畫;化身;榜樣;模範
常用 重點詞彙
1. 有時作者做研究來收集資訊。
Sometimes authors do research to gather information.
2. 我還要打網球,做研究,搞生意。
I was playing squash, doing research, dabbling in business.
3. 我知道你的國家需要我來做研究。
I know your country needs me working on their research.
4. 作為搜尋結果回來當消費者做研究;
That comes back as search results when consumers do research;
5. 本文的主旨是解釋如何做研究.
This document presumptuously purports to explain how to do research.
6. 做研究調查是報道故事的必要步驟。
Doing a research is a necessary step of covering a story.
7. 聖地亞哥是一個非常適合做
San Diego is an extraordinary place for this.
8. 古籍書的重刊對後人做研究很有幫助.
Reprinted editions of ancient books are very helpful for research.
9. 在大學裡做研究的那些人。
D Those who study in universities.
10. 他花了他的教師休假年在莫斯科做研究。
He spent his sabbatical year doing research in Moscow.
study; make a study of