鬆懈的英文 鬆懈用英語怎麼說?
undisciplined adj.未受訓導的;難以控制的;不遵守紀律的
weak-willed adj.意志薄弱的
loose adj.鬆動的;脫位的;寬鬆的;放鬆的;懶散的;散裝的;散開的;不嚴密的;腹瀉的;不紮在一起的
uncoordinated adj.不協調的;拙笨的;遲鈍的
常用 權威
1. 工作鬆懈
be slack at one's work
2. 鬆懈的組織
loose organization
3. 紀律鬆懈下去
discipline slackened
1. 他在思想上一刻也沒有鬆懈過。
His mind never let up for an instant.
2. 這個班紀律太鬆懈。
Discipline in the classroom is very slack.
3. 他的自滿和應受斥責的鬆懈。
His complacency and reprehensible laxity.
4. 鬆懈的防守使托特漢姆熱刺隊在下半場未能獲勝。
A lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in the second half.
5. 鬆懈的骹骨和關節屬於嚴重缺陷。
Weak pasterns and knuckling over are serious faults.
6. 難以抑制的和不鬆懈的需要工作的人
Workaholic One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work.
7. 心裡鬆懈,身態與神氣便吊兒啷噹.
His will was sapped and his whole attitude was lackadaisical.
8. 我們看到了完全鬆懈後發生的事情。
We see what's happening in stark relief.
9. 這樣鬆懈使整體工作受到懷疑.
Such looseness throws discredit on the whole work.
10. 不能太用力,也不能完全鬆懈。
Not too hard, also cannot completely lax.
動詞 slack (off); be lax/slack
1. 他在思想上一刻也沒有鬆懈過。
His mind never let up for an instant.
2. 工作鬆懈
be slack at one's work
3. 鬆懈的保安工作
slack/lax security
形詞 undisciplined; weak-willed
1. 這個班紀律太鬆懈。
Discipline in the classroom is very slack.
形詞 not well-organized; loose; uncoordinated
1. 鬆懈的組織
loose organization