壓碎的英文 壓碎用英語怎麼說?
crushing adj.支離破碎的;決定性的;壓倒的
crush v.壓碎;壓壞;壓傷;榨;碾碎;搗碎;使(布或紙)起皺;鎮壓;征服;使…極度失望
1. 盤式壓碎機
disc crusher
1. 車一啟動,他就說:“啊,汽缸蓋墊圈壓碎了。
Ah,' quoth he, as soon as the bike started, 'a blown cylinder head gasket.
2. 你行.-你不能壓碎,不,你不行
Yeah , you can . - you can ' t squish - - no , you can ' t
3. 巨大的重量壓碎了泥土表面的硬殼。
His enormous weight cracks through the dried mud layer.
4. 不需要把大蒜切碎,用刀壓碎即可。
I'm tempted hardly even to chop the garlic up, just to squash it.
5. 這些包裝袋內的貨物是壓碎的。
The labels on the cargos are false.
6. 鹹蛋黃放入碗中,以湯匙壓碎。
Salted egg yolk in a bowl, with spoon crushed.
7. 四頭致命的迅猛龍被未知之力壓碎。
Four deadly Raptors lay crushed by an unknown force.
8. 霸王龍要用這些牙齒壓碎骨頭。
T-Rex had to use those teeth to crunch right through bone.
9. 這輛汽車在事故中被壓碎了.
The car has been badly mashed up in the accident.
10. 這是我們烤好的豬皮,我們給它壓碎。
I've got the cracklings here, I'm just gonna snap it up, crush it.