有眼光的英文 有眼光用英語怎麼說?
have good taste
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他很有眼光。
He is a man of vision.
2. 這家餐館吸引了有眼光的消費者。
The brasserie attracts discerning customers.
3. 有眼光的人作選擇時總很細心。
Insightful people choose carefully .
4. 我很有眼光,總能買到最划算的東西.
I have a good eye for catching the best shopping deals.
5. 後一種看法比較有眼光.
These last are far - sighted.
6. 買一條配有彈性腰帶的裙子是很有眼光的投資.
A good investment is a skirt with an elastic waistband.
7. 我要說您真有眼光.
I must say you have good taste.
8. 我想居斯塔夫 埃菲爾不僅有眼光而且走在了時代的前面。
I think that he was a man of vision and ahead of his time.
9. 有眼光的經銷商和代理商,在選擇專案的時候,更應該有這方面的前瞻力。
Vision of distributors and agents, in the selection of projects, there should be more forward-looking in this area.
10. 他們只覺得自己有眼光、有見識,一百個看不慣,只覺得身外的世界一片汙濁。
They think they are wise and aware and sick and the world outside is corrupt.
have good taste