淒涼的英文 淒涼用英語怎麼說?
desolate adj.無人煙的;荒涼的;淒涼的;孤獨的;不幸的;痛苦的
bleak adj.荒涼的;裸露的;光禿禿的;黯淡的;淒涼的;索然乏味的;不宜居住的;寒冷的;無望的;令人心灰意冷的
dreary adj.沉悶的;枯燥無味的;陰鬱的;無生氣的;令人沮喪的
miserable adj.悲慘的;可憐的;小得可憐的;十分不充分的;可恥的;令人難受(或痛苦)的;陰鬱的;可惡的;卑劣的
wretched adj.不幸的;可憐的;苦惱的;惡劣的;拙劣的;質量差的;極壞的;無恥的;可鄙的
sad adj.悲傷的;傷心的;難過的;顯露悲傷的;老土的;守舊的;發得不好的
常用 權威
1. 處境淒涼
be in a sad plight
2. 滿目淒涼
all one can see is misery and desolation; there is a scene of desolation all around
3. 前景淒涼
bleak prospects
4. 淒涼的景象
dreary scene; sad sight
1. 丈夫去世後,她的生活孤獨淒涼
She led a desolate existence after the death of her husband.
2. 洪水過後,留下一片淒涼景象。
The flood left desolation in its wake.
3. 風雨使那天早晨顯得陰暗淒涼。
Rain and wind made a dismally dark morning that day.
4. 她淒涼的處境讓人慘不忍睹。
One can hardly bear the sight of her wretchedness.
5. 殘垣斷壁,一片淒涼。
With the dilapidated walls, a desolate scene was all round.
6. 這個人身世很淒涼。
This person has had a miserable life.
7. 我感到無限淒涼。
A sense of desolation overwhelmed me. / I felt terribly desolate.
8. 淒涼的皺紋表明了內心所受的折磨。
The bleak lines testify to inner torment.
9. 她的房間氣氛淒涼,而且色彩單調。
Her room was stark and bereft of colour.
10. 葉夫圖申科淒涼詩歌的配曲。
A setting of Yevtushenko's bleak poem.
淒涼,讀音為qī liáng,漢語詞語,指孤寂冷落;悲涼;寂寞冷落。例句為“地震過後,到處是一片淒涼的景象”。 近義詞為蕭條,悽慘,孤寂;反義詞為和煦,熱鬧,繁榮。相關人物有歌手淒涼。
形詞 desolate; bleak; dreary
1. 洪水過後,留下一片淒涼景象。
The flood left desolation in its wake.
2. 殘垣斷壁,一片淒涼。
With the dilapidated walls, a desolate scene was all round.
3. 孤獨淒涼
be lonely/forlorn
4. 淒涼的景象
dreary scene; sad sight
形詞 miserable; wretched; sad
1. 丈夫去世後,她的生活孤獨淒涼。
She led a desolate existence after the death of her husband.
2. 我感到無限淒涼。
A sense of desolation overwhelmed me. / I felt terribly desolate.
3. 淒涼的歲月
years of miserable and dreary life
4. 前景淒涼
bleak prospects
5. 生活淒涼
lead a wretched existence; live a miserable life
6. 處境淒涼
be in a sad plight