受到影響的英文 受到影響用英語怎麼說?
under the influence 受酒精飲料影響的, 喝醉的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 居民的心臟和肺因此受到影響。
Residents' hearts and lungs are affected as a consequence.
2. 火車、飛機和渡輪也可能受到影響。
Trains, planes and ferries are also likely to be affected.
3. Entergy在其他地方的業務可能會受到影響。
Entergy's business elsewhere might be affected.
4. 哪怕是輕微的注意力不集中,孩子的學習成績可能會受到影響。
Children's academic performance may suffer from even slight inattention.
5. 無論人類的光灑向自然界的哪個地方,生命的某個方面都會受到影響。
Wherever human light spills into the natural l world, some aspect or life is affected .
6. 如果人們被迫削減開支,貿易會受到影響
[with obj.]if people are forced to retrench their expenditure trade will suffer.
7. 這些規定只在成員國之間貿易受到影響的條件下才適用。
These provisions apply only inasmuch as trade between Member States is affected.
8. 因鐵路工人示威,今天往返班加羅爾的鐵路服務受到影響。
Services to and from Bangalore were affected today due to the rail roko.
9. 其他動畫的播放將不會受到影響。
Playback of other animations will not be affected.
10. 風電專案因傳輸問題而受到影響。
Wind-power projects are undermined by transmission problems.
under the influence