被控告的英文 被控告用英語怎麼說?
be charged with 被指控;負…的責任;充滿
常用 重點詞彙
1. 她姐姐被控告謀殺未遂。
Her sister was arraigned on attempted murder charges.
2. 當我被控告的時候我應當怎麼辦?
What to do when I am sued?
3. 約翰被控告犯了偷盜汽車罪。
John was accused of stealing a car.
4. 她還沒被控告犯下任何罪行。
She has yet to be charged with any crime.
5. 那家報紙被控告為誹謗他。
The paper was accused of libeling him.
6. 這些檔案證明三個被控告的人是無罪的.
Those documents proved that the three accused men were innocent.
7. 上個月7位市長被控告與拉法米有關聯。
Last month seven mayors were charged over their ties to the gang.
8. 父母和老師甚至因怕被控告而不敢打小孩。
Parents and teachers are even afraid to spank children for fear of being sued.
9. 那人因酒醉駕車被控告.
The man was Booked on the charge of drunk driving.
10. 你被控告犯了什麼罪?
What are you accused of?
be charged with; be under an accusation; under an accusation of