逆境的英文 逆境用英語怎麼說?
adversity n.困難;不幸
常用 權威
1. 逆境商數
adversity quotient (AQ)
2. 處於逆境
in adverse circumstances
3. 忍受逆境
be patient under adversity
4. 頂住逆境
stand against adversity
1. 一個真正的朋友是無論順境還是逆境都待在身邊的人。
A true friend is one who sticks around in both the good times and the bad.
2. 逆境雖不能使人致富,卻能使人聰明。
Adversity makes a man wise, though not rich.
3. 逆境使人成才。
Adversity makes men.
4. 逆境能鍛鍊人。
Adversity is a great schoolmaster.
5. 這個男孩的天生才智在逆境中得以儲存。
The boy's natural intellect had survived in unpromising circumstances.
6. 順境結交朋友, 逆境
Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
7. 順境時顯陋習, 逆境時見美德.
Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue.
8. 能在逆境中微笑的人,才是強者。
The one who can smile in vicissitude is the stringer.
9. 它衡量的是你應對逆境的能力。
It measures how well you can handle adversities.
10. 每一場比賽也都有逆境的時候。
Each match has difficult moments.
逆境(environmental stress)亦稱為環境脅迫,對植物生存生長不利的各種環境因素的總稱。根據不同的分類方法可分為生物逆境和理化逆境,或自然逆境和汙染逆境等。對植物產生重要影響的逆境主要有水分虧缺、低溫、高溫、鹽鹼、環境汙染等理化逆境,和病蟲雜草等生物逆境。理化逆境之間通常是相互聯絡的。
《逆境》(Gyakkyo Nine)是羽住英一郎執導拍攝的一部喜劇片,由藤岡弘、堀北真希、玉山鐵二、田中直樹等演員聯袂出演。在無數動漫 迷引頸企盼下,向來被認為不可能改拍成電影的暢銷棒球漫畫「逆境九壯士」終於搬上銀幕!這回將結合330多個電腦動畫特效,挑戰書中不可思議的各種棒球打法。除由酷斃的偶像帥哥玉山鐵二飾演「命中帶賽」卻不斷髮光發熱的傳奇投手「不屈鬥志」外,原著中蠢斃到家同時也令人感動到爆的無厘頭情節,都成功在電影中重現。
名詞 adverse circumstances/conditions/situation; adversity
1. 逆境雖不能使人致富,卻能使人聰明。
Adversity makes a man wise, though not rich.
2. 逆境能鍛鍊人。
Adversity is a great schoolmaster.
3. 勇敢面對逆境
smile in the face of adversity; brave adversity
4. 同逆境作鬥爭
struggle against/with adversity
5. 身處逆境
be in a (bad/tight) box; be in adverse conditions/circumstances
6. 忍受逆境
be patient under adversity
7. 頂住逆境
stand against adversity