陰陽的英文 陰陽用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-26



yin and yang; ancient Chinese astronomy (esp the study of the movements of celestial bodies); occult arts such as astrology, divination, geomancy, etc

常用 權威



1. 陰陽曆

lunisolar calendar

2. 陰陽人

bisexual person; hermaphrodite; intersex person

3. 陰陽生

geomancer (esp employed to choose the tomb and decide the date of a funeral)

4. 陰陽水

yin-yang water—mixture of hot and cold water, or of river and well water, used for washing down or preparing medicine

5. 陰陽家

geomancer; diviner;School of Naturalists; School of Yin - Yang (a Warring States era (475-221 BC) philosophy that synthesized the concepts of yin-yang and the Five Elements)

6. 陰陽眼

ghost-seeing eyes

7. 陰陽八卦

Eight Trigrams (used in Daoist/Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either ‘broken' or ‘unbroken', representing yin or yang , respectively. )

8. 陰陽怪氣

(of a person) eccentric; peculiar; queer

9. 陰陽頭

half-shaved head [a sign of humiliation during the ‘cultural revolution'];yin-yang hair [post-modern style of hairdo with one part of the head shaven]

10. 陰陽失調

imbalance of yin and yang

11. 陰陽榫

mortise and tenon; tenon and mortise

12. 陰陽燭

candlestick chart

13. 陰陽合同

open and secret dual-priced contract (between the seller and the buyer to help lower the sales tax)

14. 陰陽五行

theory of yin-yang and the Five Elements (The Five Elements refer to the five forms of the matter in nature, namely, water, fire, metal, wood and earth.)


1. 太極也注重陰陽的和諧。

Taichi also focuses on the harmony (和諧) between yin (陰) and yang (陽).

2. 唐:那麼凱米拉就可能是陰陽人。

Don:Then the chimera could be a hermaphrodite.

3. 試驗了常見陰陽離子的干擾情況。

The interference of common ions is also investigated.

4. 陰陽觀念是《周易》的核心觀念。

Yinyang Concept is a core concept of The Book Of Change.

5. 韌體對它們說:“道在於陰陽之外。

Firmware said to them: \The Tao lies beyond Yin and Yang.\

6. 雅艾爾:那我肯定不是陰陽人。

Yael:Well, I know I'm not a hermaphrodite.

7. 找到對立的事物:日月與陰陽

Just find that opposition, right; the sun and the moon, the masculine and the feminine, that opposition.

8. 每種語言都表達了軟體的陰陽兩極.

Each language expresses the Yin and Yang of software.

9. 造化鍾神秀, 陰陽割昏曉.

Inspired and stirred by the breath of creation , With the Twin Forces balancing day and night.

10. 恐怕只有這種陰陽的變化才是不變的。

Only the Yin and Yang of the change is the only constant.



陰陽是中國古代哲學思想,是中國古代文明中對蘊藏在自然規律背後的、推動自然規律發展變化的根本因素的描述,是各種事物孕育、發展、成熟、衰退直至消亡的原動力,是奠定中華文明邏輯思維基礎的核心要素,它具有統一、對立和互化這三個特點。 陰陽有陰陽互體、陰陽化育、陰陽對立、陰陽同根四對關係,八卦中的陰陽性質並不完全相同,要注意區別對待,遵從共性,明辨差異。





名詞 yin and yang [the two opposing principles in nature, the former feminine and negative while the latter masculine and positive]

1. 陰陽失調

imbalance of yin and yang

2. 陰陽兩虛

deficiency in both yin and yang

名詞 ancient Chinese astronomy (esp the study of the movements of celestial bodies)

名詞 occult arts such as astrology, divination, geomancy, etc

名詞 null
