緩衝的英文 緩衝用英語怎麼說?
buffer n.起緩衝作用的人;緩衝器;減震器;緩衝溶液;緩衝劑;計算機】 緩衝儲存區;緩衝區;〈英;非正式〉 因循守舊的老頑固;不諳世故(或無能)的老者;活塞緩衝器
cushion n.軟墊;墊子;支撐物;防護物;緩衝墊;減震墊;桌球彈性護邊;氣墊
slow down 減速, 減緩
常用 權威
1. 緩衝器
buffer; bumper; snubber
2. 緩衝區
3. 緩衝國
buffer state
4. 緩衝劑
5. 緩衝地帶
buffer zone;buffer zone
6. 緩衝債券
buffer bond
7. 輸入緩衝器
input buffer
8. 緩衝庫存
buffer stock
9. 緩衝作用
buffer/cushioning effect
10. 緩衝餘地
buffering leeway; room for mitigation
11. 外圍緩衝器
peripheral buffer
12. 緩衝氣袋
air bag
13. 緩衝係數
buffer index
14. 緩衝裝置
buffer unit; cushioning device
15. 橡皮緩衝墊
rubber buffer
16. 高速緩衝儲存器
cache memory
17. 車架緩衝裝置
frame cushion
1. 高速公路兩旁都有緩衝隔離帶。
The express motorway is flanked on both sides by the buffer-separation zones.
2. 急需時,我們可以用這筆錢來緩衝一下。
We could use this money as a buffer in time of need.
3. 他的頭盔緩衝了撞擊力。
His helmet helped cushion the knock/blow.
4. 標本用福爾馬林緩衝溶液固定。
Specimens were fixed in buffered formalin.
5. 袋囊可以緩衝裝置受到的不可避免的碰撞。
The bag cushions equipment from inevitable knocks.
6. 平皿上塗有含500毫微克蛋白質的碳酸鈉緩衝。
The plates were coated with 500 ng of protein in sodium carbonate buffer.
7. 最佳的水合介質是磷酸鹽緩衝液。
The optimizing hydration medium is phosphate buffer solution.
8. 所述的碰撞緩衝器為氣液緩衝器。
And the collision bumper is a gas-liquid bumper.
9. 記錄硬體的作用,比如緩衝失效。
Record hardware effects such as cache misses
10. SPU 等待一號緩衝區被填充。
The SPU waits for buffer #1 to finish filling.
緩衝(英文:buffer),讀音是huǎn chōng,漢語詞語。指的是使衝突緩和。造句“人生就像放電影,搞不好就緩衝失敗”。 相關句子有:“為什麼這樣呢?她猜來猜去猜到這可能是宋鬱彬從中緩衝的原故。”出自楊沫《青春之歌》第二部第十一章。
動詞 buffer; cushion; slow down
1. 他的頭盔緩衝了撞擊力。
His helmet helped cushion the knock/blow.
2. 急需時,我們可以用這筆錢來緩衝一下。
We could use this money as a buffer in time of need.
3. 緩衝餘地
buffering leeway; room for mitigation