在上班的英文 在上班用英語怎麼說?
on the job 工作時;在幹活;在性交
at work 在工作, 在幹活, 在活動;在運轉
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在上班的路上吃個漢堡很容易。
It is so easy to grab a burger and eat on the way to work.
2. 凱特在上班時間給朋友打電話,真讓我惱火。
It really annoys me when Kate calls her friends during office hours.
3. 人家都回家了,就我還在
I stayed at work when everyone else had gone home.
4. 你得在上班時間之外做這件事。
You will have to do it outside office hours.
5. 他們在上班的路上撞車了。
They had a crash on the way to work.
6. 在上班時間你怎麼可能去銀行呢?
How could you go to the bank when you were at work?
7. 每週3次在
A brisk walk to work or to the store three times a week
8. 在上班時,還發給工作服和手套。
On the job work clothes and gloves are provided.
9. 當我回家時,他們都還在上班。
When I return home, they are at work.
10. 絕大多數老師在上班時間都是出勤的。
On most days, most teachers were actually inside schools.
at one's desk; on the job; at work