就我所知的英文 就我所知用英語怎麼說?
for all I know; so far as I know; for what I can tell
常用 重點詞彙
1. 就我所知,她明天將飛回美國。
[with obj.]as I understood it she was flying back to the States tomorrow.
2. 就我所知,這篇課文中沒有事實性錯誤。
The text is free of factual errors, to the best of my knowledge.
3. 就我所知,他的小說還沒有一部被拍成電影的。
None of his stories have been filmed, AFAIK.
4. 就我所知, 他們已削減了開支.
To my knowledge, they have cut down on expenses.
5. 就我所知,我自身就是一個派系。
I am of a sect by myself, as far as I know.
6. 就我所知,這裡應該是貝利住宅區.
All I know is this should be Bailey Park.
7. 就我所知,西爾維婭已同馬克離婚.
As far as I can tell Sylvia has split up with Mark.
8. 就我所知,下列方法對我幫助很大。
As far as my knowledge is concerned the following ways are of great help to me.
9. 就我所知, 那是極不可能的.
As far as I can see, that is highly unlikely.
10. 沒有,就我所知,一個也沒有。
No. None that I ever saw.
for all I know; so far as I know; for what I can tell