勇敢地的英文 勇敢地用英語怎麼說?
bravely adv.勇敢地;華麗地
fearlessly adv.勇敢地;大膽地
doughtily adv.勇敢地ˌ堅強地
courageously adv.勇敢地;無畏地
gallantly adv.漂亮地;勇敢地;獻殷勤地
gamely adv.勇敢地;不屈地;勇於承擔地
1. 勇敢地面對現實
face the reality squarely
1. 如果你有不同的想法,你可以勇敢地告訴別人。
You can bravely tell others what you think if you have different ideas.
2. 在接下來的幾個小時裡,安吉拉和湯姆迅速而勇敢地賣掉了旗幟。
In the next couple of hours, Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely.
3. 她勇敢地承受著苦難的遭遇。
She bore her sufferings bravely.
4. 他極其勇敢地與病魔作鬥爭。
He fought his illness with great courage.
5. 她很勇敢地振作了起來。
She had made gallant efforts to pull herself together.
6. 我們贏得光明正大,他們應當勇敢地接受失敗,做輸得起的人。
We won fair and square — they should concede that bravely and be good losers.
7. 理查茲勇敢地試圖回答對他的批評。
Richards has made a brave attempt to answer his critics.
8. 讓戰鼓敲打起來,勇敢地前進吧!
Strike up the drum and march courageously.
9. 飛行員帶著降落傘勇敢地跳下飛機。
The airman boldly jump from the airplane with his parachute.
10. 他父母經常鼓勵他勇敢地挑戰。
His parents often encourage him to fling out the gaunlet fearlessly .