系安全帶的英文 系安全帶用英語怎麼說?
fasten one's seat belt
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我認為系安全帶對道路安全很重要。
I think wearing seat belts is very important for road safety.
2. 如今在車上系安全帶是強制性的規定。
Use of seat belts in cars is now obligatory.
3. 系安全帶救了很多人的命。
Wearing seat belts has saved many lives.
4. 系安全帶時我讓孩子站在坐位上。
I stand the baby inthe seat while I fasten the belt.
5. 新的系安全帶規則上週開始實施。
The new seat - belt regulations come into effect last week.
6. 每個人在汽車裡都應該系安全帶。
Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in a car.
7. 在出事故之前,我從不系安全帶。
Before I got into the accident, I never wore a seat belt.
8. 他並沒有系安全帶或用搖籃和頭盔。
He didn't have a safety harnesses or cradles and helmets.
9. 法律規定坐在車上的人需要系安全帶。
The law requires everyone put on their seatbelt while in the car.
10. 系安全帶是個糟糕的主意。
Wearing a seat belt is a terrible idea.
fasten one's seat belt