通的英文 通用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-04


lead to 導致, 把…帶到, 領到

go to 去

know v.瞭解;得知;知道;熟悉;與…關係好;與…性交;確信

understand v.理解;懂;推斷;猜想;以為;瞭解;明白;解釋;不言自明;認為…理所當然

connect v.連線;聯結;聯絡;結合;通電;聯運;聯姻;通水;使聯絡;連線以供通行

link n.事物間的聯絡;關聯;一環;瀝青和麻屑火把;橋樑;交通線;溝通的紐帶;聯絡;聯絡方式;鏈路

communicate v.傳遞資訊;交流資訊;通訊;通訊;領受聖餐;溝通;有感染力;傳達;傳授;傳播

notify v.知照;通知;告知;申報

tell v.告訴;告知;對…講;與…說;顯露;顯示;斷定;判斷;產生不良效果;發生影響;數;計算

inform v.告訴;通知;向…報告;賦予…基本特徵;用…原則充實;告發;告密

through prep. & adv.穿過;從…一端到另一端;一直到底;達到…的末尾;完成;從頭到尾檢查;直至;經由;接通電話;以

open adj.開著的;露天的;展開的;營業著的;對…開放;坦率的;坦誠的;懸而未決的;容許爭議的;開的;開放的;開路的;斷路的;鬆散的

logical adj.邏輯的;符合邏輯的;自然而然的;順理成章的;能進行正常邏輯思維的

coherent adj.合乎邏輯的;協調的;結合成一體的;相干的;相參的;說話條理清楚的

general adj.全體的;總的;普遍的;大體的;全面的;首席的;主要的;一般的;常規的;通常的

common adj.一般的;常見的;通常的;日常的;普遍的;庸俗的;低階的;粗俗的;公共的;共同的;共為的;陽性或陰性的;非中性的;長短共通的;普通的;輕度的

whole adj.全部的;全體的;所有的;完整的;完全的;整個的;未經分割的;完好無損的;整塊的;健康的

all predet., det. & pron.所有;全部;任何;儘可能;只;唯一;一切

entire adj.全部的;整個的;完全的;絕對的;未經閹割的;全緣的;邊緣光滑的

authority n.管轄權;當局;當權者;威信;影響力;說服力;批准;專家;權;權力

expert n.專家;權威;高手

常用 權威



1. 美國通

expert on the US

2. 通陰溝

unstop a drain

3. 通幾種外語

speak several foreign languages

4. 活期一本通

current all-in-one account


1. 幾天後(晚些時候),我的繼父,摩德斯先生來了。

Several days later (late) my stepfather, Mr. Murdstone arrived.

2. 我的老家在山區,現在也了車。

Transport service is now available even in my home town, a small mountain village.

3. 演講者口若懸河地說了一大

The speaker gushed forth in streams of wondrous eloquence.

4. 大洋和大海相連

Oceans and seas are connected.

5. 這名囚犯被禁止和他家人訊息。

The prisoner was forbidden to communicate with his family.

6. 她會對你哇啦哇啦說一大

She'll give you a lot of yap.

7. 閥芯上的出油孔與出油口相連

And an oil outlet hole on the valve core is communicated with an oil outlet.

8. 您說得頭頭是道,好像個美國.

You sound like an America expert.

9. 我們必須叫個雜工把水管一通.

We have to call a handyman to unblock the pipe.

10. 看門的沒有幫沃爾斯太太下車.

The doorman did not help Mrs Wellstone out of the car.


通,是國家通用一級漢字之一,讀音為tōng或tòng,半包圍結構。讀tōng時,意思有有路達到、連線、傳達等,也指姓氏;讀tòng時通常用於動作。可用作動詞、形容詞、量詞、副詞。例句為“山洞快要打通了”。 相關詩句有陶淵明《桃花源記》“阡陌交通,雞犬相聞”。



動詞 lead to; go to

1. 這條小道從山腳通到山頂。

This path leads from the foot of the mountain to the top.

2. 這個門通經理辦公室。

This door leads into the manager's office.

3. 條條大路通羅馬。

All roads lead to Rome.

4. 直通北京

lead directly to Beijing

形詞 through; open

1. 隧道快要打通了。

The tunnel is about to be bored through.

2. 她的思想還是不通。

She hasn't quite turned round yet.

3. 他患了感冒,鼻子不通。

He had a cold and was very congested.

4. 電話通了。

The (telephone) line is through now.

5. 此路不通!

Not a through road! / No through road! / No thoroughfare! / This road is blocked. / Dead end.

動詞 know; understand

1. 不通人情

be unreasonable

2. 通幾種外語

speak several foreign languages

3. 通百藝而專一長

know something of everything and everything of something

名詞 authority; expert

1. 中國通

old China hand; Sinologue

2. 美國通

expert on the US

形詞 (of writing, etc) well-constructed; logical; coherent

1. 這個句子不通。

The sentence is ungrammatical and incoherent.

2. 文理不通

be illogical and ungrammatical; be ungrammatical and incoherent

形詞 general; common

形詞 whole; all; entire

量詞 [for letters, telegrams, etc]

動詞 open up or clear out by poking or jabbing

動詞 connect; link; communicate

動詞 notify; tell; inform

量詞 [for a complete course of activity]

1. 說了一通

give sb a talking-to; tell sb off; scold sb; give sb a good scolding

2. 亂講一通

make irresponsible remarks; speak without thinking

3. 擂了三通鼓

beat three rolls of the drum

4. 藉機大做一通文章

seize upon the matter and make an issue of it

5. 胡說一通

talk a heap of nonsense

6. 胡鬧一通

kick up a row; make a fuss

7. 發一通牢騷

utter a torrent of grumbles

8. 打一通電話

give sb a call/ring; call/ring sb (up)

9. 挨一通罵

be given/get a dressing-down; be given/get a tongue-lashing

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