攀比的英文 攀比用英語怎麼說?
try to keep up with the Joneses; cite the cases of others in support of one's own claim; emulate the higher or the better
常用 權威
1. 攀比風
craze for vying with each other; prevailing obsession to keep up with the Joneses
1. 時下攀比
Striving to beggar one’s neighbour is now the order of the day/a common practice.
2. 停止與他人攀比,停止追求完美。
Stop comparing yourself to others and stop striving for perfection.
3. 過去的事不後悔,眼前的事不攀比;
Bygone does not regret, the thing before does not vie;
4. 沒有必要自吹自擂,互相攀比
There is no need to boast and compete with one another.
5. 婚後恐懼症的產生因素四、攀比心理。
Phobia have married four factors, psychological comparisons.
6. 不要跟人攀比而妄自菲薄,
Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.
7. 我們爭相“跟上攀比”。
We scramble to \keep up with Joneses\.
8. 你還可以有意避免攀比.
You can also try to avoid upward comparison.
9. 我真不敢接受這種攀比.
I accept the comparison very humbly.
10. 擺脫,不要跟別人攀比了,你知道你買不起的。
Oh, please. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You know you can't afford it.
攀比(pān bǐ )基本解釋為抓住某種東西往上爬。主動接近。指不顧自己的具體情況和條件,盲目與高標準相比。在消費等方面一味比高,不甘人後:互相攀比|攀比成風。
動詞 try to keep up with the Joneses; cite the cases of others in support of one's own claim; emulate the higher or the better
1. 時下攀比成風。
Striving to beggar one's neighbour is now the order of the day/a common practice.
2. 盲目攀比
blindly vie with those who are better-off than oneself
3. 互相攀比
strive to keep up with each other