椰樹的英文 椰樹用英語怎麼說?
coconut palm n.椰子樹
coco n.椰子;芋根
1. 棗椰樹
date palm
1. 你應該去東北地區,那裡以椰樹環繞的白色沙灘而聞名。
You should visit the Northeast Region which is famous for its white sandy beaches which are fringed with coconut trees.
2. 最具埃及農業特色的無疑是棗椰樹。
The date palm is without a doubt the plant which characterizes Egyptian agriculture more than anything else.
3. 他們把棗椰樹畫在他們的石頭建築上。
They made pictures of date palms on their stone buildings.
4. 夏天時,棗椰樹給房子遮陰.
The date palm give some shade to the house in the summer.
5. 這裡沒有椰樹,卻長有7米多高的桫欏樹。
Here, coconut palms have been replaced by giant tree ferns standing over seven metres tall.
6. 棕櫚樹如海棗樹、檳榔樹、椰樹、加那利刺葵等等。
Palm tree such as date palm, queen palm, coconut, canary island palm, etc.
7. 椰樹公司新產品開發流程分三個階段,二個關係流程。
The new product development flow in the Coco Palm Group consists of three stages and two relation flows.
8. 在那兒,你會發現很多棗椰樹, 人們也可以種植穀子和蔬菜.
There you will find lots of date palms, and people also grow millet and vegetables.
9. 有,先生,您看“椰樹甘露”如何?是白朗姆酒、椰味奶油和菠蘿。
Yes, sir. How about Dina Colada made with white rum.
10. 他們將嘎內推至一個荒無人煙的地方用刀將其刺死,然後用椰樹葉和煤油對屍首進行了燒烤。
They will cackling sound of a desolate and uninhabited places to push its stabbed with a knife and then killed by coconut trees leaf and kerosene to the barbecue.
椰子樹(拉丁學名:Cocos nucifera L.)別名椰樹、可可椰子、古古椰子等。是棕櫚目棕櫚科椰子屬的植物。 椰子樹為喬木狀,植株高15-30米,莖粗壯,有環狀葉痕,葉羽狀全裂,葉柄粗壯,花單性,雌雄同株,卵球形或近球形,花果期主要在秋季。在中國椰子主要產於廣東南部諸島及雷州半島、海南、臺灣及雲南南部熱帶地區。椰子的果肉和椰子水可食用,成熟的椰肉可榨油,椰殼可製成活性炭,椰纖維可制毛刷、地毯等,根可入藥。椰汁及椰肉含大量蛋白質、維生素B1、維生素C、鉀、鈣、鎂等。果肉具有補虛強壯,益氣祛風,消疳殺蟲的功效,椰水具有滋補、清暑解渴的功效。